The macOS App Icon Book Kickstarter is LIVE!
I just clicked the big green 'Launch Campaign' button on the Kickstarter for The macOS App Icon Book— The sequel to The iOS App Icon Book. It's with the usual mix of excitement and dread. Can we fund another book?
Go check out the campaign → or watch the video directly on youtube here:
I have poured a lot of love into this project this past year. It has been a much smoother experience getting to this point the second time around, partly because of the systems we've set up for collecting and getting work signed at but also just from the fact that we've done all of this before.
The path seems a little clearer and all the little decisions that make up something like this is made with more confidence.
The first book took 4 years, while this one, if all goes according to plan, will come in at around 1.5 years— despite it being just as brimming with new art.
One thing I can't say with confidence though, is if people would want to buy another book. I guess I'm about to find out...
I'm obviously biased, but I think there's a ton of good reasons why we should produce a second volume: The Mac is a fascinating platform with a much more diverse and experimental history of icon design. It is just as much in need of preservation (if not more) than the icon history on iOS. Even if you're not designing icons for the Mac, a lot of design language starts and ends with the desktop and I think this book will be an excellent source of inspiration for all design.
Also, just from having worked on it for a long time, I can tell you that it's going to be a gorgeous book that'll make an excellent companion to the first one.
I don't take the support that I have been shown on the first campaign for granted. That support is the reason why I'm even attempting to do this a second time. However, I’m very aware that I’ll need all the help in the world to even remotely do it again.
I hope you’ll consider helping me bring this book into the world.